Sounding Rocket Send Off - Contest Rules
This is a fun fly event. All that means is that this contest is a little more informal than a traditional NAR Competition. Therefore, the rules have been written to reflect this.
The rules for this contest are:
1) Build any sounding rocket kit from any manufacturer.
2) The model could be one you’ve already built, or you can build a new one.
3) HP models and motors are allowed for this event, all motors must be NAR-certified.
4) No documentation required.
Winners will be determined by votes cast by those folks attending the April 16th launch.
Each attendee votes for 3 models - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Top three spots will receive a prize.
Yes, it's just that easy to enter this contest. There are some great prizes being offered! We hope you decide to enter a model.
Good Luck!