

Our club is happy to help with certification flights. The club field supports most L1 and L2 NAR and TRA certification flights.  L3 flights can be managed but will be subject to waiver limit and wind direction.  We ask that all flyers who want to attempt a certification contact us before you come out to fly so that we can make sure flyers of the appropriate level are on hand to do your certification paperwork.  All flyers should show up with their certification paperwork in hand AND have your information completely filled out on the form.  L2 flyers must notify us so that you can make arrangements to take the L2 written exam before you attempt the flight. L3 flyers need to contact us to see if we can accommodate your flight AND make arrangements for their L3 certification team to attend the launch. 



We currently have a limit of up to 10 certifications a launch.  If you want to certify with Pittsburgh Space Command, you must:


1) Contact our Certification Coordinator to reserve a certification flight slot.  To contact Aleks and arrange for your certification flight , click here.


2) Pay club dues. You may do that on site, the same day as your certification flight.  The dues are good for one year in case you need to make more than one certification flight in the same calendar year. Your membership goes towards purchasing and maintaining HPR launch equipment.



TRA flyers must make arrangements to have a TRA authorized certification person present at the launch since the NAR cannot sign off on your certification attempts. The above two requirements are still in effect for TRA certifications.




Additional information about NAR certification requirements can be found here:


Level 1


Level 2


Level 3


Level 1 Junior Program

Remaining Certification Slots


Saturday 8/18- 10 of 10







Want to certify at out next launch?


Cert Contact