November 7th, 2021 Pay Forward Day


PSC had a little bit of a surprise in store for us on our last launch of 2021. Traditionally the last launch of the season is a combined NAR and TRA launch and we usually see a few college students either attempting a certification or trying out a sub-scale project for a national competition.  We expect this and its pretty easy to fit them in during our short four hour time frame for this launch. This year we got a bit of a surprise, 19 students from Sylvania Northview HS, Sylvania, Ohio attended the launch in search of their NAR Level 1 HPR Jr. Certification.  We also had around 10 students from CMU attempting their TRA Level 1 Certification .  That's a lot of launches and paperwork to keep track of for such a short launch, but given the combined efforts of Steve, Rod , John and Duane, we did it.  Some of us didn't get to fly, but it's worth it. Congratulations to all the newly certified flyers! We hope to see you at future launches.  So, how did it go? The photos speak for themselves.

Photo Credit


Thanks to Rick Sharp for all the great photos.